Jessica Luu, 10877, 9304

Sunday 23 December 2012

Mast Head Designs

This was my first mast head that I created. I used the colours pink and grey. The reason I had done this is because when comparing front covers of pop magazines that I have already seen, bright pink was a very dominant and popular colour. I then decided to use grey is because it contrasts the pink which shadows the main name. I created this mast head on Adobe Photoshop which will run across the whole of the top of the magazine. Using bright colours would only attract more young teenagers (who are my target audience). Whilst doing my market research, pink was the third favoured colour by my target audience. 

On my next masthead mock-up, I used the font 'Modern No.20' because it is a modern and stylish font which look quite similar to 'Vogue' Magazine which is a very popular women's magazine. I did this because it could reflect young girls aspiring to be like their role models who read Vogue. As we know, the target audience for Vogue isn't young teenage girls but for older women. This is a young pop magazine targeted for a younger market. I have written the words 'Young Girl' in purple because in my market research, my target audience have showed me that they favour the colour purple most. from the other magazines that I have looked at, black was also a trending colour, so I decided to use that colour to stand out on bookshelves. 

 In my last mast head, I used the colour baby pink, I done this because once again, it was a popular colour in my market research and it was also used a lot in the popular magazines already out on the market. The reason why I used the leopard print on my mast head is because this is something that I haven't seen in other magazines. It makes my mast head very unique and therefore easier to recognise. I included the leopard print to interest young fashion girls who are interested in pop fashion, pop music and the pop industry. 

My favourite mast head is the last 'Music Mag', this is because it is unique and interesting. I also found out from my market research, this was the most favoured magazine name. 

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