Jessica Luu, 10877, 9304

Monday 17 December 2012

Flat Plan

This is my first draft of my flat plan. I plan to take a photo of a teenage girl in a medium close up shot. I used a superlative at the top of my front cover to intrigue the audience and inform them of the status of the magazine. The top right corner has a tag which quotes 'special edition', this is used to make the audience think that this specific magazine is valuable and therefore want to purchase it. From looking at my anayalsis of the other front covers of the magazines, I had realised that most of them use sub-images which is what I plan to do for the bottom right. By using the word 'FREE', it implys that there are free things in the magazines so that the audience want to buy it and consume the free gifts. There are also some pull quotes such as '3 reasons we love girls aloud'. There is also a main article pull quote of 'Interview with the new up rising Lily Malik'. By adding an artist chart list, it tells the audience that the magazine is specifically aimed at music. The left third is a 'K' as a mast head specifically to stand out over other pop music magazines, it also helps customers remember the magazine to buy it again.


My second flat plan I made the mast  head  lot smaller and specifically on the left third so that you can clearly see the logo on magazine shelves. I also intend to use a skyline that uses superlatives (for example: Most Amazing) to capture the audience into buying the product. There are also sub-images at the bottom and the left hand side. I made sure that I included a barcode also. There is language that is used to anchor the image. A way I could improve this is by making the mast head bigger so the audience can be clear that it is the name and logo of the magazine.

In this last flat plan for my magazine front cover, I decided to not use a skyline but use a footer instead. By using less thumbnails and more pull quotes, it may appeal less to my target audience which is what I should avoid whilst producing my final front cover. I also included a corner dedicated a glimpse of information that was included inside my magazine. For the main image, it is slight cornered to the right hand side, this leaves more space to include pull quotes and thumbnails. 

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