Jessica Luu, 10877, 9304

Saturday 29 December 2012

Double page spread analysis

In this double page spread, the image is almost equivalent to the amount of text. The colours used was a white background and pink text boxes. Again the use of pink is used to show innocence and purity. The title of the double page spread is called "Taylor Tell Us". This shows the audience that when reading this, they will know about what Taylor Swift thinks and feels. This is something that the target audience want to read. The article shows smaller thumbnails which really capture the lifestyle of the artist which is what the target audience want to see. You can clearly see that in the mise-en-scene, they use a white background to focus all the attention on the artist. The costume that is used is a girly and innocent red and white shirt. They have used this to inspire younger girls to want to dress like their iconic artist which is sophisticated but also girly. This hair and makeup is subtle. The hairstyle is loose curls which fall into place whilst the makeup is light and highlighting. Lastly, the article shows pull quotes where the writing is black and bold. This gives a grasp of what the article is about and therefore interests the reader.

In the second double page spread they, again, used a larger photo taking up one whole page and also a large title. This shows that there is less content than image and title(which is actually a pull quite from the article). This is done because the target audience are young girls who don't intend to read a lot but enjoy looking at the layout and image presented. The interview consists of thumbnails and also highlighted parts. These are pull quotes which grab the attention of the target audience. The use of the white background represents innocence mixed in with the colour pink symbolising purity an love. These colours are used very often throughout pop magazines because they show femininity which is who are target audience are, teenage girls. The mise-en-scene is also a large factor of the double page spread. The costume she is wearing is symbolic to fashionistas, this insinuates that the artist had her clothes specially chosen. The stripped leggings are a huge fashion statement which targets the audience (young girls) to aspire to. The use of the camera is also a good prop because photography is a hobby that lots of teenage girls take up. They then can relate to the artists and instantly enjoy the article.

In this next article, it uses a very interesting layout which I find very inspiring. The article flows according to the main image and how it is laid out. Again the photo and the title take up a lot of the page, but in this case, the image is the largest element. The shot used is a medium shot showing the artists' whole body and enabling the view of her outfit. By doing this, it will capture the eye of teenage girls (target audience) and inspire them. Again, the colours used are pink and white, and in this case, black. The black symbolises mischievous behaviour and fun. The black really compliments the white background and bursting bright pink. The top left corner gives an insight to what the article is about. This is done so that the customers who flick through the magazine can get a general view on what the article will be about.

All these double page spreads have many things in common. These are the colour schemes, the proportion sizes of all images and the articles. But there are differences which really stand out. First of all, the shots of all images are different, this shows that there is not one standard size image to use for double page spreads, there's use of medium-close up and long shot; unlike on the front cover, most use medium-close up shot (not all). By the type of shots which are used, we can see that the long shots are trying to flaunt and show off the costumes and props.

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