Jessica Luu, 10877, 9304

Sunday 14 April 2013

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Although it is desirable to work with these successful institutions, there are limitations to these big companies because magazine numbers are falling, the use of the internet is becoming more popular leading to a fall in consumption of magazines. A way I could overcome this problem is by targeting my magazine to smaller institutions such as 'Frontline'. This company distributes magazines and newspapers specifically to the UK. They distribute 'gossip magazines' which are usually targeted at the UK audience. A advantage is that they also work with other distribution and publication companies such as  Bauer, Immediate Media Company and Haymarket. I believe they would distribute my magazine because they have magazines ranging from TV listings, Gossip magazines, Car magazines and many others. This is an advantage to me because I know that they do not distribute any other pop magazines, this is beneficial because it shows that they already distibute a wide range of magazines and my pop magazine will potentially be chosen. 

However, a way I could challenge this would be by self promoting my magazine through advertising space in other magazines or newspapers. This would be quite expensive to achieve, so another way that I have thought of to improve would be to share and distribute it through social networking sites. This would be fairly cheap. Specialist social communication programmes such as Facebook, Blogger, YouTube (viral's) can really help you distribute your magazine virtually for free. Even though the amount of publicity will not be as much as going through an institution which could do it on a wider scale, it is one of the best ways to spread the publicity of the product. 

There are many different types of media institutions that might distribute my magazine, but most importantly, you could work alone and distribute your own piece of media. 

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