Jessica Luu, 10877, 9304

Thursday 22 November 2012

Evaluation of Preliminary Task

This is the final product of my magazine front cover for the preliminary task. I added some extra pictures along with the main image to capture the audiences attention. I specifically added on things such as beauty and fashion along with the topic football. This will widen my target audience. As we know, the sixth form has girls and boys, and they will be interested in different things. I used some superlatives in my subheadings for example 'BEST' to make the target audience want to read it because it has the best book and film reviews. I also added a 'pull' quote so that the audience can relate to the quote and pick it up. As my target is the sixth form, there are twoyears (AS and A2) so, in one of the subheadings, I specifically addressed them so they know it is aimed for them therefore they would more likely want to open and read it. By adding a 'free school curriculum' it attracts the audience because it makes them think that they are getting free stuff with the magazine that maybe another magazine may not have, therefore choosing our magazine over others. 

I decided to change my mast head and name because I felt that it was overall, too long. This meant that with a medium close up shot, there was no space to fit such  a big mast head. I then just simple just changed it to 'GUIDE'. I like this because it makes it easier for the students to remember the short name instead of struggling to remember such a long one. I think the name 'GUIDE' is already alone such a good magazine name for the school magazine because this is the age where big decisions have to be made so in a way they need as much guidance as they can. A reason why I added the digital bar code is because many students have smart phones meaning they can then update their phones or subscribe to the magazine online. 

I chose this main image because it represented a young man who is currently a student. It shows how professional students can be and how mature and grown up they actually are compared to how they are showed in the media. In this process of making the magazine, I learned to use different fonts and downloading fonts to use. It has also helped improve my knowledge of 'Adobe Photoshop' I learned to add other pictures (thumbnails) onto a picture (main image). I also taught myself how to crop the image. My main image was in fact too far away to me a medium close up shot, so what i did was I cropped it until it was.

A way I could improve this is by adding a skyline. This would help the students grasp how good the magazine actually is so they would want to read it. I could of also added a date so the audience will know if the magazine is in date or not. The problem I had with my main image is that there was too much going on. With such a heavy background, it had left me with a small range of colours to work with to make the subheadings stand out. 

Overall, I think I have learned a lot about creating a magazine front cover and contents page. It has taught me how to use the conventions from using superlatives, to actually drawing out the flat plan. The preliminary task has prepared me for the real task so when It comes to producing the real thing, i will know exactly what to do. I will learn from my mistakes and my real task will be better than my preliminary.

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