Jessica Luu, 10877, 9304

Thursday 1 November 2012

Analysis of Questionnaire

Some examples of the Questionnaire:

1. Would you be interested in reading about fashion at college?
2. Would you like help on improving your CV?
Yes please
3. Would you volunteer to publish your funny stories?
4. Would you be interested in a school curriculum in the magazine?
5. Are you interested in book/movie reviews?
Yeah definitely
6. Would you find an events board useful?
7. Would you like birthday mentions?  

This questionnaire is targeted at the Sixth-Formers:

1. Would you be interested in reading about fashion at college?
2. Would you like help on improving your CV?
3. Would you volunteer to publish your funny stories?
4. Would you be interested in a school curriculum in the magazine?
5. Are you interested in book/movie reviews?
6. Would you find an events board useful?
7. Would you like birthday mentions?  

Analysis of questionnaire:
We targeted the sixth formers to answer our questionnaire. We found out from our research that most of our consumers would be interested in fashion at college and therefore we will consider adding a fashion page. Also a lot of our students would like help on improving their CV’s. About 50% would volunteer their funny stories and 50% would. Most of the students that we spoke to would also like a school curriculum in the magazine. A highly appreciated idea was the movies and book reviews, which proved to be very popular. The events board was also quite successful. Birthday mentions was also much liked. I think that from the research, the ideas and categories we are thinking of putting in the magazine is something most sixth formers would enjoy and look forward to reading. A way that I could of improved my questionnaire is to ask some open questions to get more feedback for example: what would you like to see in the sixth form magazine. Gathering all the information, I have a wider knowledge of what people want from the magazine which will help me get more customers who are interested in the content of the magazine. 

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