Jessica Luu, 10877, 9304

Sunday 23 September 2012

Analysing the 'Twilight' Poster

There are many elements and features that help the audience understand the movie through this poster. 

The mise-en-scene shows the two mysterious characters under the moon to represent the supernatural characters and events. The moon in between the two protagonist characters also suggests that their lives are almost as far as it is to the moon, this portrays the supernatural being of the character. The darkness in the poster contrasts the moon and also the lighting on the characters pale faces. This suggests that the dark background shows that there is fear throughout the story whilst the facial expressions of the characters show love to express the narrative. This means the genre is hybrid of horror and romance. 

The denotation of the prop shows the characters looking at at apple or perhaps giving an apple. The connotation of this is that the apple is a representation of the story 'Adam and Eve'. This connotes danger and evilness in the narrative. It shows the audience that there is a dilemma between uprising problems. We can see that the girl is looking down at the prop so she is the one who is making the decision whilst the boy is looking at her for a response as he has no say in the choice, but it will also affect him. This connotes the misleading apple which pushes the event of misfortune. 

The boy is shown to be standing about the girl to represent safety and protection. The girl is shown to be wearing a yellow jumper which signifies sunshine, joy and energy. In former times young women wore yellow ribbons in their hair to symbolise  faithfulness to the only one they love. The boy is wearing dark colours to show a mysterious side. 

So from the poster, we can see that it shows us a lot of information about the movie to promote it. 

Tuesday 11 September 2012



Through my audit, I articulated my strengths and weaknesses. 

I have mapped out many weaknesses through my audit. I need to improve on things such as using programs like 'Publisher'. I also do not recognise the shot types and camera angles which I intend to learn. I can widen my knowledge for broadcasting from listening to the radio more often. One of my weaknesses is being able to do enough research. It is a main weakness because I have struggled in the past to find enough back up research for my ideas and propositions. I should also watch different types of movie genres so I can gather a wider range of different styles. 

Although I have many weaknesses, I also have strengths. I am particularly creative and confident with the imagination to work in groups and individually. I can analyse a target audience through basic general knowledge. I focus on the minor details which helps me examine  various media texts. I have a lot of experience in programs such as 'Windows Movie Maker' and 'Adobe Photoshop'. I have experienced certain things such as making a movie and also creating front covers for magazines through projects I do in my spare time. Doing subjects such as English has improved my ability to write for magazine based articles and newspapers ect. Photography as a hobby has taught me to take various snap shots of fashion photography. Taking part in the school production has lead me on to being put on a stage and having to act and sing in front of an audience. Being involved in music has also proved that I am very skilled in the production of music making.